Wednesday, January 29, 2014

OMOH's Roving Ambassador a blend of Beauty and Brains

The One Mind One Heart Roving Ambassador- Tata Lilian

TATA LILIAN SHULIKA is a 26 year old female born in Kumbo, Bui division found in the North West region of Cameroon.

She obtained her Ordinary and Advanced Level Certificates from Saint Augustine’s college and later on moved to the university of Buea where she graduated with a Second Class Honors in Geography in 2009. She then got into the International relations institute of Cameroon where she obtained a Professional Masters degree in Regional Integration and Management of Community Institutions and presently pursuing another Professional Masters Degree in Diplomacy.

Her brains have had her attend a couple of International Conferences and visited a couple of countries for such as the United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Gabon, Equatorial guinea, Ethiopia, the united kingdom and the United states of America.

She recently acted as the Cameroon Adviser to the United Nations in New York during the United Nations General Assembly, as an intern at the Cameroon permanent mission to the United Nations.

She serves as the Project Coordinator with the NGONSO
Youth Forum promoting leadership, entrepreneurship and youth development in the Nso community.

As a UN Volunteer, assists civil societies in promoting community development projects.

She intends using her exposure to bring a new lift to the OMOH project.

The entire One Mind - One Heart OMOH welcomes you on board.

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