Friday, January 31, 2014

Our Key Messages

The OMOH Project was founded in Cameroon and is recognised/registered as a charity in Cameroon We operate at a grass roots levels, directly with the children, communities and existing schools, utilising our team's local knowledge and experience.

We support the children, either collectively or via individual sponsorship, to pay for their school fees, uniforms and school equipment. We also meet their basic welfare needs through the provision of meals and basic health services.

We create opportunities for children who are adversely impacted by poverty and a lack of parental support and care. We want each child to flourish, positively impacting their lives and the future outcomes of them and their community.

We operate primarily via online platforms (i.e. website, social media and email) to engage and communicate with you in an effective, responsive and personal way.

Our founders have personal experience of the benefits of education sponsorship and as a team are motivated by their Christian faith and values to meet each child at their individual point of need, regardless of gender or faith.

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